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London Blog

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Puber i Storbritannia har en lang tradisjon for å bruke attraktive potteplanter og hengende kurver for å lyse opp bygningen med blomster (på dystre dager). Oppdag 6 London-puber som har tatt blomsterdekorasjonen til neste nivå! Her er stedene man der du kan nyte en kald øl, mens du beundrer de vakre dekorasjonene.

Artikkelen fortsetter på engelsk.

1. The Churchill Arms, Kensington
Located in the swanky Kensington area of London, The Churchill Arms is the mother of all floral pub displays with more than 100 tubs of colourful flowers and plants decorating its exterior. Step inside and you’ll be greeted with all sorts of bric-a-brac including lamps, bells, flags and framed posters. If you’re feeling peckish, you won’t find fish and chips on the menu at this traditional London pub. Instead, you’ll find tantalising Thai dishes like spring rolls, roast duck curry and pad Thai to enjoy. Its selection of cask beer and ale is pretty good too!

2. The Masons Arms, Marylebone
Fast becoming a rival to The Churchill Arms, The Masons Arms in the West End also puts on an impressive floral display. Its redbrick façade is decked from top to bottom with plants and flowers. The inside of the pub is equally as pretty with rich wooden panels, red leather seating and etched mirror panels. If the pub’s botanic display leaves you yearning for more greenery, Regent’s Park is just a 10-minute walk away.

3. The Wych Elm, Kingston
Get a taste of the country life at The Wych Elm pub, situated in west London. With pots, planters and hanging baskets, this cute white pub is an oasis from the bustling city. As for the beer, you’ll find a selection of craft beers and changing guest ales on tap. If you’re visiting the pub on a Friday, stick around for their Curry Night – a main course curry, side dish, rice and naan for £12.75.

4. The Anchor, Bankside
In the cobbled streets of Bankside on the River Thames, you’ll find The Anchor pub with its distinctive red window frames and shutters. During the warmer months the pub is a blooming marvel with colourful foliage decorating its façade. Enjoy magnificent views of the River Thames from its first floor balcony and first floor terrace.

5. Hemingford Arms, Barnsbury
Slightly off the beaten track but well worth a visit is the Hemingford Arms in north London. The pub is draped in ivy while its interior is covered with signs, vintage theatre and film posters. Look up and you’ll see all sorts of knick-knacks dangling from the ceiling. The Hemingford Arms has live music every Saturday night and regularly screens live Premier League and Champions League matches.

6. The Faltering Fullback, Finsbury Park
Staying in north London, you’ll find The Faltering Fallback Irish pub perched on the corner of a residential street. Its exterior is overflowing with foliage and flowers. However, the pub’s crowning glory is its upstairs beer garden – an impressive mix of decking, sculptures and flora. With several secluded spots dotted around the garden, find a place to relax, enjoy your beer and the impressive greenery.


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